This Commitment form is only for the Rawlings Tigers 14u Black Team coached by Brandon Schwab

Team Commitment

Parents who accept a spot on a Rawlings Tigers team for their child agree to the following:

1. Parents will register their player online by the deadline set by the club including paying the startup and club fees.

2. Players are asked to commit to their coaches for a minimum of 12 months and coaches are asked to make the same commitment to their players. The timeframe of 12 months is from the time the offer to play is made until the end of the following season designated by the coach.

3. Parents agree to get their player fitted for their uniforms during the timeframe set for fitting and to order all pieces of the required uniform including:

A. Jersey or jerseys as designated by the coach.

B. 2 pair of Rawlings pants

C. Tigers helmet (Design designated by coach)

D. 2 Tigers game caps (Design designated by coach)

E. Any other uniform item required by the coach.

4. Players are expected to follow the Tigers uniform code.

5. Parents agree to pay club fees monthly per the agreed to fee structure. Some of these fees will go towards the following team expenses:

A. Outdoor practice facilities

B. League Fees if applicable

C. Tournament fees

D. Team equipment

E. Other items determined by the head coach.

Team Fees for the 2021 Fall & 2022 Spring / Summer Seasons

A. Rawlings Membership Fee (Paid direct to Rawlings upon registering your son on the website) - $500

B. Team Fees (Includes entire Rawlings Tigers Membership along with Big Play Sports Training Facility Membership, uniforms, bags, helmet, practices, games, 10 - 12 tournaments - $2000

All in fees - $2500

**Additional Fundraising Likely**

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